Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Comparison Essay

1.       Thesis Statement
Even most of people all over the world had already known about Mercedes- Benz and Lexus car brand as two different car manufacturers, their  vision and  concept in making cars are almost the same.
2.       Body
a.       Comparison beetwen quality consideration made by  both Mercedes and Lexus
b.      High price tagged in both two brands
c.       People’s consideration to own them as their vehicle
3.       Conclusion
It can be briefly said  that both Lexus and Mercedes-Benz are the two best car producers in the world. Even they have differences in style and design, they also have similarities that includes quality, high price tagged and many influential people are tend to choose them as their car.

The Two Car-Maker Leaders in The World

Even most of people all over the world had already known about Mercedes- Benz and Lexus car brand as two different car manufacturers, their  vision and  concept in making cars are almost the same. They had been well – known as two top brands in the world, Mercedes comes originally from Munich, Germany , it’s rival, Lexus  originally comes from Japan, as a branch of Toyota, but in division of luxury and premium cars.

Both of them are well-respected car manufacturers in the world, it can be so due to their consideration of each quality vehicles they produce. Mercedes is a leader in world class technology development and  high level of vehicles’ safety. Mercedes always use the best technologies and materials to perfect the cars it produces. What about Lexus?, don’t underestimate it, even it is a manufacturer branch of Toyota, it always consider quality as well as mercedez does, Lexus is well-known as a creative car manufacturer, the leading innovator among of car producers throughout the world. Lexus’ technologies innovation are always surprising the world, as an example, Lexus guarantees that it’s car will remain has the same engine smoothness engine sound after usages for three years. An amazing quality level.

As an effect for those leading features of Mercedes and Lexus, these car-producers tag very high price for cars they sell, e.g : the cheapest Mercedes-Benz car is worth to about five hundreds millions rupiah and as you know that our president’s car is Mercedez-Benz S 600 L that is worth as six billions rupiah. Lexus’ cheapest car is worth to nine hundreds millions rupiah. Most people think it is a worthy price due to the amazing features they give into the cars.

“some People consider best quality” is a suitable idiom for those who buy these cars. Of course it is not much people who had already owned these cars, “the rich” are mostly having these vehicles besides our RI 1 (president of Indonesia) who uses Mercedes Benz S 600 L type. Some people consider choosing these brands to lift up their prestige among their friends, colleagues business partners etc. In USA, most of company leaders are tend to choose Lexus inspite of others, it means that both Lexus and Mercedez have not just a few costumers, but many, especially for influential people.

       It can be briefly said  that both Lexus and Mercedes-Benz are the two best car producers in the world. Even they have differences in style and design, they also have similarities that includes quality, high price tagged and many influential people are tend to choose them as their car, sometimes  to lift up their prestige.

Instruction Essay
1. Introduction
2. Materials
3. Process
4. Conclusion

Checking and Changing Your Vehicle Accu

            It has been well-known that accu is an important thing for a vehicle today , it has plenty usages as well, e.g for  vehicles lighting, horn and also safety features of the vehicle itself. Because of these importance, sometime you have to know how to fix and check your vehicle accu  by yourself, it is an easy thing for you except for those who don’t know. Here you will learn basic things to do in fixing and checking the accu.
            In order to fix your vehicle accu, you will need to prepare the following tools, such as; philips screwdriver (+), flat screwdriver (-), a bottle of accuzuur ( accu water), a towel for cleaning dirts and fungus  around your accu  and also a wrench that is suitable with your accu.
            Firstly, by using your screwdriver, either (+) or (-) open the cover of your vehicle accu gently and correctly, and remember that each vehicle has it’s own shape and structure of the accu’s cover. Thus preparing a set of screwdriver is very recommended. Next step is releasing  hindrance that still stick or cover the accu.
            By using your suitable size wrench, release nuts and bolts  that remain stick on your accu gently and correctly. For information that most of bolts  must be wrenched clockwise to release them from the  nuts. The important thing here is that you must keep your eyes on the bolts and nuts that you have released in order to ease you to put them back in the place.
            After you have put out the accu from it place, it’s time for you to check around your accu conditions. Most problem found in accu is lackness of accuzuur, if you find it so, then fill your accu up with the accuzuur you’ve prepared before. Nowadays, accu is divided into two types, first is wet accu that is refillable by accuzuur and second is dry accu that is single use and can’t be refilled. After you have refilled it, put all those tools back to their place gently and correctly, now  your vehicle is ready to go, but if still can’t work, it means you have to change your accu or refill the voltage in accu shop.
            By following these simple steps, you will learn the base things about how to change and fix your accu vehicle by yourself. You will get advantages to be able in  fixing your accu at home with simple tools 

Classification and Division Essay

1.       Thesis Statement
Most of people must be having friends in their life, no one can bear life without any friend, but don’t you know that there are several types of friends of ours.
2.       Body
a.       Friends in need only
b.      Foes that undercover as friends of ours
c.       Real best friends
3.       Conclusion
In brief, we can not live without friends, but there are several types of friends, some of them are “friends in need”,” foes undercover to be our friend” and “the real best friend”, it is important for us to understand about these and decide the friends type that suitable with us. So they can walk together  with us into a better future, because that what a friend’s for.

Friends Are Not The Same At All

                We must have friends in our life, no one doubt about it, why?, as we know that we all are social creatures, we can’t live in this world without any help from others, eventhough some people said that he/she can live without others’ help, it is a lie. If we are talking about friends, manythings can be explained, but here  I will give some slight explanations about some type of friends that we may have in our life.

                The first type of friend that perhaps we can find is “friend in need only”, what kind of friend is it? It is a friend that become our friend only if she/he needs something from us. Soon after her business with us has finished, we will be left by him. This type of friend is absolutely tricky, because he/she can be very good and nice when faces us, but soon he/she will ge gone by the time her/his business has over.

                The next type of friend we can find is “ foes that undercover as friends” of us, well, this type of friend is the most dangerous friend’s type. It due to their behavior that can be an angel  in front of us but it turns out that he/she assassin us from behind. We should avoid this type of friends beccause they can only make something bad for us.

                The last type of friend is the real best friend, it is the type of friend that writer suggest to have. Why?, this kind of friends can stay with us in every situation of us, wether it is good or bad situation. They can make us willingly smile, laugh together without any borders,and the most important thing is that this type of friends are able to lead us into a better future, because they will accompany us in sad and happy situations, that will make us understand about the meaning of this life.

                In brief, we can not live without friends, but there are several types of friends, some of them are “friends in need”,” foes undercover to be our friend” and “the real best friend”, it is important for us to understand about these and decide the friends type that suitable with us. So they can walk together  with us into a better future, because that what a friend’s for. 

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

menulis 2

Menulis 2
                Alhamdulillah bisa nulis lagi bro. Kali ini tentang kebahagiaan sejati, menurutmu apa yang dimaksud dengan dua kata tadi?.  kebahagiaan saja,, mungkin sudah banyak orang yang mendapatkannya, namun bagaimana dengan kata yang kedua, sejati, yang kalau digabungkan menjadi kebahagiaan sejati, yah benar, yang sejati, yang riil yang long-lasting. Aku tak obyektif dalam menilai kebahagiaan, apalagi miliknya orang lain, karena pada dasarnya kita punya pandangan yang berbeda tentang apa itu definisi kebahagiaan sejati. Jadi mula-mula kita mesti menghormati n menghargai orang lain terhadap pandangannya.

                Menurutku, kebahagiaan itu, adalah suatu kata benda, yah, noun dalam bahasa inggris atau aku lebih suka bahagia, inggrisnya happy yg berarti adjective atau kata sifat yang berarti (lagi) bisa kita rasakan. Bukan sekadar bisa dilihat, diraba, diterawang, lha, iklan uang  kah ini?  J J kok jd ga nyambung sama topik awal yo., ok lah, kalau begitu ganti paragraf saja, bisa jadi paragraf di daerah sini banyak hantu yg ganggu konsentrasiku. Goodbye paragraf dua...

                In my opinion, happiness is a something relative, but I think tightly that  happiness can be reached by a person when he/she is enjoying what have been actually exist  in himself/herself. 

See you in next post...

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

menulis 1

Sebuah Catatan Awal " tempepresto"

Menulis, apa pendapatmu tentang kata  ini?   Yah memang menulis itu perlu, what for?   Tentu untuk menyampaikan pendapat/ pemikiran kita, dengan menulis, orang lain (mungkin)  akan bisa membaca pemikiran kita yang kadang tidak kita ungkapkan secara  eksplisit di depan khalayak ramai. Yah, menulis, kupikir kata kerja itu sedang dan selalu diperlukan untuk pembangunan bangsa ini untuk menjadi lebih baik ke depannya, karena dengan satu pemikiran yang tersampaikan,berarti seseorang telah ikut menyumbang suatu kebudayaan bagi bangsa itu sendiri. Entah itu kebudayaan yang baik, kurang baik, buruk, maupun sangat buruk. Namun selama masih ada ruang untuk menyampaikan pemikiran  berarti kita tidak perlu khawatir akan pengaruh budaya pemikiran yang buruk tsb.
                Nah sekarang, bagaimana menurutmu cara memulai suatu tindakan  menulis seperti yang telah kusebut di atas? Aku juga masih bingung J J sekarang.  Mungkin nanti atau kapan2 soal ini bisa kujawab secara ilmiah, hahaha..
                Yang kutahu sekarang yakni, the only, kalau kau punya keinginan menulis, apapun itu bentuknya, mau karya sastra lah, ilmiah lah, fiksi lah, komedi lah, sembuarang lah pokoke, hal pertama yang mesti dilakukan yakni mulai menulis, start doing any writing action,  nulis sembuarang  lah itu, pokoe nulis, tanganmu gerakkan, buat catatan hitam di atas putih ( walaupun gak tinta hitam jg no problem J ), gak peduli bahasanya amburadul, legrek, ancur2an,ngisin-ngisini (memalukan, javanish),sempal,semburat, kagak aturan dsj (dan sejenisnya J), karena apa? Boleh kita jelek sekarang, namun bukankah hakekatnya manusia itu selalu berproses dalam skema kehidupannya, dan seiring waktu dan pena berjalan beriringan dengan mesra pasti lambat laun tulisan kita jadi makin baik n berkualitas, pasti. O.. ada tambahan lagi, supaya tulisan kita berkualitas dan up to-date kita juga mesti sering baca2. Terserahlah apa, yang penting baca, asal jangan bacaan porno, lho kenapa bro?  Menurutku bacaan porno Cuma mengaktifkan 2 organ tubuh, apa? Mata n kemaluan doang, whawhawha...  jadinya otak n pemikiran g jalan deh, jalan sih jalan, tapi Cuma jalan ditempat.. J. Jalannya juga lembek pula, takut dosa pula, takut kepergok pula. Pokoke ga tenang lah.
                Sebagai bonus tambahan kawan,, aku beritahu resep rahasia supaya otak kita produktif ide, yakni dengan baca Al-Qur’an. Ya benar, kitab suci orang Islam. I don’t know why, yang pasti ada faktor x dan sesuatu yang besar bakalan membantu kita. Trust me.

                Sebagai additional information juga, aku nulis materi ini juga merupakan realisasi dari paragraf ketiga ku tadi. Aku juga penulis terkenal (in making) haha.. amin, semoga yg baca juga. J  see u in the next note
Originally written at Monday, april 23th 2012 jam 19.08