Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Classification and Division Essay

1.       Thesis Statement
Most of people must be having friends in their life, no one can bear life without any friend, but don’t you know that there are several types of friends of ours.
2.       Body
a.       Friends in need only
b.      Foes that undercover as friends of ours
c.       Real best friends
3.       Conclusion
In brief, we can not live without friends, but there are several types of friends, some of them are “friends in need”,” foes undercover to be our friend” and “the real best friend”, it is important for us to understand about these and decide the friends type that suitable with us. So they can walk together  with us into a better future, because that what a friend’s for.

Friends Are Not The Same At All

                We must have friends in our life, no one doubt about it, why?, as we know that we all are social creatures, we can’t live in this world without any help from others, eventhough some people said that he/she can live without others’ help, it is a lie. If we are talking about friends, manythings can be explained, but here  I will give some slight explanations about some type of friends that we may have in our life.

                The first type of friend that perhaps we can find is “friend in need only”, what kind of friend is it? It is a friend that become our friend only if she/he needs something from us. Soon after her business with us has finished, we will be left by him. This type of friend is absolutely tricky, because he/she can be very good and nice when faces us, but soon he/she will ge gone by the time her/his business has over.

                The next type of friend we can find is “ foes that undercover as friends” of us, well, this type of friend is the most dangerous friend’s type. It due to their behavior that can be an angel  in front of us but it turns out that he/she assassin us from behind. We should avoid this type of friends beccause they can only make something bad for us.

                The last type of friend is the real best friend, it is the type of friend that writer suggest to have. Why?, this kind of friends can stay with us in every situation of us, wether it is good or bad situation. They can make us willingly smile, laugh together without any borders,and the most important thing is that this type of friends are able to lead us into a better future, because they will accompany us in sad and happy situations, that will make us understand about the meaning of this life.

                In brief, we can not live without friends, but there are several types of friends, some of them are “friends in need”,” foes undercover to be our friend” and “the real best friend”, it is important for us to understand about these and decide the friends type that suitable with us. So they can walk together  with us into a better future, because that what a friend’s for. 

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